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An independent resource on Kashmir for researchers, journalists, academics, and the curious.

November 2003: jammukashmir.net is back on-line and will be updated.  Apologies for the lapse over the summer.



These 3D & 2D maps are designed to help visitors understand how Kashmir is perceived differently.  If you have any suggestions for additions please e-mail maps@jammukashmir.net.  Interestingly, maps are the biggest reason - after direct links - why people come and visit this site.

John Callanan's map of the Karakorum Highway A map of the China/Pakistan Friendship Highway, e-mailed to us by the author on July 17, 2001.

Kashmir in History (Kashmir Study Group)

Jammu & Kashmir population (1981) and subsequent growth (Kashmir Study Group)

Kashmir by linguistic affiliation (Kashmir Study Group)

Kashmir by religious affiliation - this CIA map, drawn from work done by the Kashmir Study Group, is most useful.

WANTED: Good maps of Pakistani Kashmir to link to this site.  There appear to be no (decent) maps of Pakistani Kashmir on-line.  If you know of one, please e-mail maps@jammukashmir.net.

This site is not funded by any party to the Kashmir conflict, nor does it solicit such funds.

All comments and contributions welcome.  Editor: Jeffrey Kile.  Last updated: November 16, 2003.